Frequently Asked Questions

How will I receive information about Orientation?

Information about Orientation will be sent to the personal email address you listed on your application for admission. If this email address is associated with your high school or prior university and you may lose access, please update your email address in our Admissions applicant portal found here:

We will begin sending Orientation information to your UConn email address as soon as it is created. A UConn email account will be created when matriculation occurs. For students starting classes in the fall, this occurs in mid-May. For students starting classes in the spring, this occurs in mid-November.

What is the cost of Orientation?

Your $400 enrollment fee reserves your spot in UConn's incoming class and covers the cost of Orientation. No additional fees are required.

Do I have to attend Orientation?

Orientation is required of first-time, degree-seeking students at all University of Connecticut campuses. This applies to both first-year and transfer students. Students who choose not to sign up for an Orientation session will have their admission to the University canceled.

What are the rules and policies for students attending Orientation?

Orientation follows the rules and policies set by UConn's Student Code. Students who do not abide by the Student Code may be asked to leave Orientation and will be referred to the Office of Community Standards. Violation of the Student Code during an Orientation event could affect a new student's admission to the University.

I’m thinking about changing my major. How will this impact my Orientation experience?

If you are a first-year or transfer student considering a change of major, we recommend making the change before signing up for Orientation, because Orientation dates can be specific to schools/colleges and majors. Changing your major before attending Orientation will ensure that you get the most out of your advising and class registration experiences.

If you change your major after your Orientation session is confirmed, it may be necessary to reschedule due to the school/college's availability during the Orientation session you selected to attend.

Requests for a change of major should be submitted at least two weeks prior to your Orientation session.

Here's how to request a change:

  • To request a change of major before your first semester, email Be sure to include your ID number. Your applicant portal will reflect the most updated information once your request is reviewed.
  • If you wish to change your major after the start of classes, please contact your school or college.

Does my fee bill (i.e. tuition and fees) need to be paid prior to attending Orientation?

If your Orientation session is scheduled after the fee bill deadline, your fee bill must be settled prior to attending Orientation or you will not be able to participate and register for courses.

The fee bill deadlines according to the Office of the Bursar are as follows:

  • Fall admits – August 1
  • Spring admits – January 8

Your fee bill is considered settled if you have paid in full or if your balance will be covered by one or more of the following conditions:

  1. You are paying through UConn's Installment Payment Plan and your balance is current.
  2. You have been granted a deferment for an outside scholarship.
  3. You have finished the financial aid process with the Office of Student Financial Aid Services. Incomplete financial aid is not considered settled.


Learn how to locate your fee bill and access other fee bill questions via the Office of the Bursar.

Please visit the Office of Student Financial Aid Services for financial aid questions.

I can’t attend any of the scheduled Orientation dates. What should I do?

Orientation is mandatory for all first-time, degree-seeking students. There are no exceptions to this requirement, so please plan accordingly with your summer or winter plans. If you have an unexpected or significant conflict, please reach out to the Orientation staff at your campus by email.

Will I meet with an academic advisor during Orientation?

Yes, you will meet with an academic advisor from your school/college to plan your schedule of classes for the upcoming semester.

Once the semester begins, you will be assigned to a specific academic advisor.

Can my family help me register for classes?

We encourage you to discuss course options with your family prior to attending Orientation if you would like their input. Family members are not allowed to attend Orientation programming with their student, so they will be unable to directly assist you when registering for classes.

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